Disrupting the Disrupters (MOIP)

Matt Dyer
2 min readOct 17, 2019


Are the disruptors going to be disrupted? In particular, can the legacy banks respond to the challenge from the digital interlopers? The banking industry, conventional and insurgent, is clearly in an increasingly uncertain space.

Due to Divergent Legislation, Open Banking, Slowing Economies, trade wars and so forth, countries all round the world are searching for all sorts of novel opportunities to stimulate growth.

Consequently, the likes of Starling, Monzo and Revolut have identified and are exploiting the possibilities of revolutionising and shaking up the paradigms informing the status quo.

Following such developments, only the other week I arranged to get my salary paid into a Revolut account, because I was fed up with the lack of innovation from my old school bank, which had ceased to offer a differentiated service to retain my loyalty and for too long has treated its customers with indifference and disdain.

However, even though I have moved over, I’m not sure they are differentiating enough to warrant a mass exodus from the legacy banks. If there was the opportunity for traditional banks to give back more to the consumer and offer, for example, saving rates of upwards of 5 percent, I suspect one would start to see a wholesale movement of people to their banks. Money over IP (MOIP) finance players like Celsius Network, Dharma (https://www.dharma.io)/, Instadapp and Nuo Network are already offering these types of rates today.

Saving Rates >5%

e.g. Dharma, Instadapp and Nuo

From personal experience I’ve made $8 from InstaDapp Official and $6.5 from Nuo Network in circa 40 days on a balance of $650 respectively, which is a material difference from what I earn from my regular banks, while I concede this is built on new technology which carries risk, the upside is extremely compelling.

Also looking at some recent revenue valuations , it looks like the disruptors could have a serious challenge on their hands.

Revenue-adjusted Valuation


Time to try Money over IP movement (MOIP)

If you are remotely interested in having a look into this alternative asset class that actually offers an incentive to save, challenge yourself and have a look at some of the players in the space.

Celsius : https://celsiusnetwork.app.link/19356475de

Dharma: https://www.dharma.io

Instadapp: https://instadapp.io/dashboard/

Nuo: https://app.nuo.network/lend

NOTE: This is not financial advice.

